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Year 1 - Earle

Welcome back to a new term. Spring is coming! 

We hope you all had a lovely Christmas.

Earle Class had a very busy and productive first term, learning all about our local environment – the park, The Great Fire of London-how it started and what happened as a result; and the importance of journeys - linking with the Christmas story.

We also learnt lots of new Year 1 routines and are working really hard to build our independence.

Well done Earle Class!

Our Literacy texts are

The Comet by Joe Todd Stanton     The Comet: Joe Todd-Stanton: Joe Todd-Stanton: 9781838740658:  Books                             

Leo and the Octopus by Isabelle Marinov and Chris Nixon  Leo and the Octopus


Please see our topic web for this term and family learning below for more information about how we will be supporting your child and how you can. 

Miss Portch