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Year 6 - Earhart

What a busy Autumn term we had in Year 6! We thoroughly enjoyed our History topic on World War and enjoyed our dress up day! During the dress up day, we had the opportunity to bake cookies and rock cakes using traditional rationing recipes, create some WW2 Art and of course re-enact some of the key events! It has been a pleasure to see the children so engaged in this topic and therefore complete extra research at home in order to support their learning further! During our Destination Reader sessions, we read the novel 'Once' by Morris Gleitzmann, based on a Jewish boy named Felix who lived in Poland during WW2. This emphasised the brutality of WW2 and the consequences it had on individuals.

In our English lessons, we have studied a range of fiction and non-fiction books. We started off by looking at the picture book 'The Arrival' by Shaun Tan. The children produced a wonderful narrative of the book, retelling a significant event in detail. We also particularly enjoyed reading 'The Last Bear' by Hannah Gold which identified many important themes such as climate change, journeys and family relationships. 

This half term, we will be focusing on Evolution and Inheritance in Science and will be looking at San Francisco in Geography. Please see below the current topic web and family learning information for this half term.