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At Cranford Park, ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning process and helps our children to make faster progress.

Staff observe and question pupils throughout lessons and activities to identify their current level of understanding and to ensure that each child progresses through challenging next steps in their learning. In addition, we carry out periodic, summative assessments which allow school leaders to track the progress of each student in the core subjects.

Age-Related Expectations

The school curriculum and expectations set in teaching and learning are focussed around ‘Age-Related Expectations’. These are skills and knowledge linked to the age of children within a year group. Age-Related Expectations follow on from the assessment concepts of Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), where children are assessed as either ‘emerging’ or ‘expected’.

In the EYFS at Cranford Park, staff observe pupils daily, and these observations are used to shape future planning and are shared with parents using our ‘Tapestry’ system. Staff also take into account any observations shared by parents and/or carers which support our picture of where the child is currently at with their learning. At the end of the Early Years, children are assessed as  ‘emerging’ or ‘expected’ in each area of learning and may achieve ‘expected’ in some areas of learning, yet still be ‘emerging’ in others.

In Years 1 to 6 our assessments will also be focussing on the attainment of children against expectations that are set for their chronological age. Children will either be ‘Working Towards’ an Age-Related Expectation, or they will be ‘Working At’ the Age-Related Expectation.  Children who are more able in a particular area may also be working at ‘Greater Depth’ within the Age-Related Expectation. Teacher judgements are supported by the use of NFER tests termly.

Ongoing assessment over the year means that we track every child individually and know where each child’s attainment sits is in relation to their Age-Related Expectations.  Throughout the year, children will be assessed and described as being not on track (BLW), close to being on track (WTS), securely on track (EXP) or beyond the expectations (GDS). This allows us to intervene early if any child is slipping behind their peers. Subject leaders track the children who did not meet expected standards in their subjects to ensure that they are making good progress to do so the following year.

The aim is that the vast majority of children will be working at least at an Age-Related Expectation by the end of each academic year. Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities are still expected to be working at Age-Related Expectations in curriculum areas not affected by their needs, but may require additional support to reach them. Educational Health Care Plans and other school interventions should be successful in supporting them to meet their personalised objectives and targets.

Statutory Testing and Reporting

In Year 1, all children undergo ‘Phonics Screening’ to check that their phonics knowledge and skill is at or above a nationally expected standard. The outcomes of this screening are communicated with the parents of children in Year 1. If a child fails to meet the nationally expected phonics standard, they undergo the screening again in Year 2, where there is an expectation that children will now meet the standard. This is reported to the parents of those children.

In Year 2, children are currently tested in Reading and Mathematics, although this is due to change. Writing is teacher assessed and teachers submit whether children are working at the Age-Related Expectation in Writing, above it, or below it. This usually takes place in May.

In Year 4, children complete the Multiplication Tables Check to determine whether they can recall their times tables fluently.

In Year 6, children will be tested in Reading, Mathematics and Spelling Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) in a series of tests known as the SATs. Writing is teacher-assessed and teachers submit whether children are working at the Age-Related Expectation in Writing, above it, or below it. End of Year 6 testing takes place for all children nationally on set dates in May.

Each year, parents will be informed if their child has reached the nationally expected standard/Age-Related Expectation in each subject, in addition to receiving the results of any national tests.

You can view our Assessment Policy on the Policies page of this website.

Further information about government assessments can be found here