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Church Links

Cranford Park CE Primary School is a Church of England Controlled School, maintained by Hampshire County Council but with a Church of England foundation. Our Christian values underpin the life and work of the school.

Our links with St Peter’s, our local parish church, are close. The church has a continuing pastoral concern for the life of the school and prays for the whole community every week. Members of the local church visit the school regularly to lead collective worship. This includes our ‘Open the Book’ assemblies, where a team from the church present stories from the Bible in a fun, interactive way. We also regularly hold services at St Peter’s Church.

We are proud of the links we have established with our church community including for:

  • A welcome service for our new families
  • Harvest thanksgiving
  • Christmas worship
  • Choir events
  • Easter worship
  • A walk through Easter workshops
  • Leavers’ Service
  • Our ‘Open the Book’ weekly assemblies
  • Links with the church sewing group
  • Church work parties in school
  • Regular Collective Worship led by the ministry team

There is a very lively Children’s Church at St Peter’s with Kidz Church, Little Miracles and Wayfinders all being popular with the children.

Click here to visit the St Peter’s Church Website home page or on the image below to visit the Children’s section of their website.