Year 4 - Carter
What a start we have had to Year 4 this year. The children have been amazing at settling into new routines and pushing themselves in their learning in every area.
We have absolutely loved our reading and writing books, particularly FArTHER, Iron Man and How to train your Dragon. The imaginative writing and creativity has really impressed us during these topics.
Our history topic last term was Egyptians - which really captured the interests of all children in the class, both at school and at home. Lots of children have created their own Egyptian masks which are going to be displayed outside the classroom - watch this space!
We also performed an amazing assembly all about online safety, teaching the rest of the school about the SMART rules! This is so important for every child, particularly with all the different ways they can be online and play games these days. Here are some photos of our assembly, which everyone was really impressed with.
One of our other favourite topics from Autumn Term was creating Night lights using our knowledge of Electrical circuits and Pringles tubes. Here are a few examples of some of the creative night lights that our children created.
One area we have been particularly impressed with in the last term is the children's growth mindset. They have really understood that just because we can't do something yet, doesn't mean we can't ever do it! They worked together to create their own growth mindset acrostic poems, which we have combined to make one whole class one. We have uploaded it below.
We have also attached our Topic Web for the upcoming term and some ideas you can choose to do at home linked to our topics.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Rees and Miss Singer