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Community Links

These pages provide information about some of our links with the local community. There are too many of these to mention them all! Other links include links with:

  • The Rotary Club, including sponsorship for our pupils to attend residential visits and our attendance at the annual 'Kids Out' event.
  • The Yateley Lions, who provide resources including books.
  • The 'Spotlight' charity, who provide events and gifts for our disadvantaged pupils.
  • The Yateley Society, who have helped us to develop our Forest School area, including with the addition of a pond area.
  • Wellington College, who support us financially as well as offering fun events for our pupils.
  • Trinity Laban Dance Conservatoire, whose students have run dance workshops for our pupils.
  • Other local schools through the SHARP partnership, as well as with Yateley Preschool, Yateley Manor and many more schools and trusts further afield.

 If you would like more details, or could provide further opportunities for our children in the community, please contact the headteacher via the school office.