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Friends of Cranford Park PTA

Welcome to the PTA page of our school website.

The Friends of Cranford Park is a group of parents, teachers and friends who organise and run different events for the children and their families to enjoy, whilst raising additional funds for the school.

We welcome your views and comments about the activities and events that we have organised, and we would like to hear your ideas for future events.   If you have a comment, question or idea please write us a note and leave it in the DROP BOX located in the school office.

What does the PTA do?

We run activities and events for the school children and their families to enjoy, but also to raise additional funds for the school. These funds are spent on things like: playground markings, additional chairs for the classrooms reading corners, additional books for the library, apps for the laptops, the traveling pantomime, playground equipment and much more.


We would be very grateful to receive any unwanted gifts you might have received ready for our future events!

Commission / Fundraising

By getting involved in our Bag2School collection, you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided – this can include adults’ and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, bags, soft toys, curtains and bedding (not duvets or pillows).

Friends of Cranford Park will receive £400 per tonne or £0.40/kg which will be a great boost for our fundraising.

If you fill the donation bag and still have more then you can use any other bag to donate your items and don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out as well!

Please return your filled donation bags to Cranford Park Primary before 9am on the collection date.

You Shop – they give!

Participating online shops pay The Giving Machine a sales commission for directing shoppers to them. We forward these commissions as free cash donations to the shopper’s chosen school or charity.

All you have to do is remember to ‘shop and give’ for free at The Giving Machine.

It really is as simple as that and costs nothing but a few minutes of your time!

How can I help?

We will accept as much help as we can get!

Your help can come in different ways. Things like, baking cakes for a cake sale, donating toys, teddies, gifts, chocolates or bottles of any kind for our tombola’s, donating wool (any colour any length) so we can knit dolls, or your time to help set up, man a stall or pack down event.

I want to volunteer but don't want to be involved in everything!

We appreciate that many of you work so volunteering your time may be difficult. Which is why we send out our Volunteer Slip, so people can put their names forward for things that they are happy to do for the length of time that they are happy to do it!

Do I need to be available for everything?

The simple answer is NO! The more people who volunteer to help, the fewer things we will each have to do.

How do I get involved with the PTA

Simply attend one of our meetings, drop us an email at or speak to the school office.

How do I get in contact with the PTA?

We are pretty busy people, so the best way to contact us is by leaving us a message in the DROP BOX (located in the school office). Or by emailing us at