SMSC and British Values
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Provision
At Cranford Park CE Primary School, spiritual, moral, social and cultural education underpins all aspects of school life. We have identified threads which run through our curriculum . In addition, as part of our PSHE curriculum, every Jigsaw lesson from Early Years to upper primary offers opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development and British Values and these are clearly mapped and balanced across each year group (see documents below). Likewise, Jigsaw is designed to provide structured opportunities in every lesson to practise and enhance the five skills associated with the emotional literacy (self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation and managing feelings). At Cranford Park CE Primary School, we believe that these opportunities are vital for children’s development, their understanding of themselves and others and in increasing their capacity to learn. This work is absolutely integral to everything we do. It plays a significant role in contributing to the high levels of motivation, tolerance and behaviour that the children demonstrate at our school.
The individuality of each child is valued and respected in order that:
- they are comfortable with who they are and that they respect others
- they are able to contribute to the life of the school and wider community
- they make a positive contribution to society and are prepared for life in modern Britain
This is not a “subject” in itself but opportunities to promote it are actively planned for across all subject areas of the curriculum; within collective worship; within our behaviour policy, within our safeguarding policy and within everything we do. It has particularly strong links to our work in Personal, Social and Health Education and Religious Education.
Definitions of terms
Spiritual development is the growth of insights, beliefs, attitudes and values which guide and motivate us. Through spiritual development, children can gain a sense of identity, their own self-worth and broader meaning and purpose in life.
Moral development is the building of a framework of moral values which control our personal behaviour. There is a recognition within this area of development that in a multi-racial, multicultural and multi-faith democracy such as Britain there will always be debate about moral values and these will differ from person to person.
Social development is concerned with each child’s ability to develop the skills, understanding and personal qualities necessary for living and functioning effectively in our multi-racial, multicultural and multi-faith society and to be able to contribute to that society.
Cultural development is about helping children to understand their own cultural heritage alongside the cultural traditions of the school, the local community, those of the wider British community and the wider world. They will explore these different cultures in order that they are able to understand, accept, respect and celebrate the differences and similarities they discover.
There are many opportunities and ways in which Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education are promoted at Cranford Park CE Primary School. It is impossible to list all the different activities that take place linked to SMSC, but our subject pages and the documents below have more detail.