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Year 2 - Armstrong

Year 2 have had a great start to the year and have settled in well to their new classroom. I have been so impressed at their resilience to challenges as well as their kindness towards others!

The children have really enjoyed their English learning, particularly 'Dear Earth', where we have been learning all about how to protect the earth and how to inform others of this. The children have been very passionate, and even created their own posters to stage a peaceful protest in the playground!


Last term, we looked at significant figures in history, looking at why these people were so important. The children specifically enjoyed learning not only about Neil Armstrong and his journey to the moon, but also Katherine Johnson, and her importance in Neil Armstrong's success.  

The children also really enjoyed their art topic, still life, using their sketching and modelling skills to draw a variety of flowers, objects and fruits.


This half-term, we are looking at continents and oceans in geography, portraits and poses in art and healthy dips in Design and Technology. This will lead to the children designing, planning and creating their own healthy dips after some taste testing to make sure their dip is perfect!

Please see our topic web and family learning below for more information.

Miss Strudwick.